08 June 2005

Fair ?

My slipper snapped this morning. So I stopped by a mochi to get it repaired. He looked at it, looked up at me and said ''Mooru rupai AguttE. ParavAgilvA?" (That would be three rupees, is that alright?)

Why when people don't shy of quoting monstrous prices for their services, here is this small cobbler with his tin shop in a street corner, who hesitates to even ask for such a small amount as three rupees for a few stitches that would save me a whole five hundred or more. I complained to the God that the imbalance in the world is too much. I get to sit in an airconditioned office while there are some people who wade into the stinking city-drain kneedeep, with no protective layer, to build a flyover for public convenience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's life. Health, finance, peace, job satisfaction, familly, life partner, kids, education....there are so many facets of life. God is so clever that he would give you some thing and take away another. truely speaking, there is no imblance. God isn't cruel. He gives the drainage cleaner the happiness he would ask for at some point of time. You may feel like cursing God one fine morning for the trouble he has given you inspite of being in a air-conditioned office. Katrina in America, War torn royal families, assasination of the world's most powerful man, imprisonment of Nelson Mandella, a college drop-out becoming a multimillionaire .... anything could be a virtual imbalance ... but everyone gets what precisely he deserves......... You know it better than me my dear Bhaghawat Gitanjali